Okay, so Happy New year and some other stuff

I am spending the first day of the new year lounging in my office…er… I mean my bed. Laptop cozy on my tray table and kitten racing about, I am reading and reorganizing and generally having a typical ADD-esque bounce fest!
I was watching some videos here. My pal at work got me all hooked on the idea of clicking.
I was reading about memes, which are a bit interesting to me, the perpetual wannabe and over-thinker (I have a long thing I am working on about that…very narcissistic)
I am wondering which way my illness is planning to go. I am not actually sick yet but I can feel it coming in the air tonight. My chest is not quite tight, not quite painful, but it feels DRY. My chest feels like it is full of dust. But even after taking Mucinex (what a lovely name) I still feel it. Maybe it isn’t the impending illness at all but damage from the mildew remover fumes on Friday.
My niece and her fam stayed with us this weekend and just left this morning. We had fun, visited the local fish prison and ate white pizza and watched wonderful movies (A Scanner Darkly, which I thought I would hate and Little Miss Sunshine which I new I would love and I did, oh rapture!). Last night we all tuckered out early so we kinda floated about the house til nigh on midnight and then toasted with sparkling non-alcoholics (as opposed to the sparkling alcoholics with whom we have toasted in the past –insert rimshot–).

Dick Clark is scary–SCARY–after his stroke. He and Bob Barker need to just go hide and leave us with our fond memories. I did enjoy the fact that he was whining to whoever it was that was hosting down on Times Square about the pleasant weather–“But just wait for the Snow, the sleet, the rain!!”

But I feel weird and wish that the illness would just go on and claim me or go away. And I am full of good cheer for the new year. I am looking forward to embracing the weirdness that is this whole new-agey pseudo-sciency What the Bleep/Law of Attractiony thing.

More to come.

~ by merialiss on January 1, 2007.

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